Stanford University
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (Published & Accepted)
Nuss, E.S., Moulton, M., Suanda, S., & Baker, C.M. (2025). Modeled surf-zone eddies on a laboratory scale barred beach with varying wave conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 130(1), e2023JC020549.
Casper, A., Nuss, E.S., Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., & Dusek, G. (2024). Assessing NOAA Rip-Current Hazard Likelihood Predictions: Comparison of an Operational Model with Lifeguard Observations in the Context of Rip-Current Types. Weather and Forecasting. https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-23-0181.1.
van Wiechen, P., Rutten, J., de Vries, S., Tissier, M., Mieras, R., Anarde, K., Baker, C.M., Reniers, A., & Mol, J.W. (2024). Measurements of dune erosion processes during the RealDune/REFLEX experiments. Scientific Data. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-024-03156-9
Treillou, S., Marchesiello, P., & Baker, C.M. (2024), Correction of coherent interferences in wave-resolving nearshore models and validation with experimental data. Ocean Modeling: 102369. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2024.102369.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Chickadel, C.C., Nuss, E.S., Palmsten, M., & Brodie, K. (2023), Two-dimensional inverse energy cascade in a laboratory surf zone for varying wave directional spread. Physics of Fluids, 35 (12): 125140. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0169895 [PDF]
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Palmsten, M., Brodie, K., Nuss, E.S. & Chickadel, C.C. (2023), Remotely sensed short-crested breaking waves in a laboratory directional wave basin. Coastal Engineering, 183, 104327. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2023.104327. [PDF]
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Elgar, S., Raubenheimer, B., & Kumar, N. (2021), Modeled Three-Dimensional Nearshore Currents and Eddies on an Alongshore-Variable Barred Beach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016899. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JC016899. [PDF]
Baker, C.M., Higgins, C., Liu, J., & Yeh, H. (2020), Response of Metal Building Cladding to Tsunami Wave Impact Loads. Journal of Structural Engineering, 46(11), 04020236. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002800.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (Under Review & In Preparation)
Treillou, S., Marchesiello, P., Baker, C.M., McWilliams, J., Dumas, F. (Submitted), Tracer dispersion by surfzone eddies: assessing the impact of undertow vertical shear.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Chickadel, C.C., Palmsten, M., Nuss, E.S., & Brodie, K. (In Prep), Linking directionally spread wavefields, short-crested wave breaking, and surfzone eddy processes in a laboratory basin.
Baker, C.M., Anarde, K., Tissier, M., Rutten, J., van Wiechen, P., Mieras, R., & De Vries, S. (In Prep), Infragravity and sea-swell wave contributions to dune erosion during collision.
Baker, C.M. (2023), Surfzone vorticity dynamics in a directional wave basin (Doctoral Dissertation), University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/49872.
McLachlan, R., Bolden, I., Boysen, A., & Baker, C. (2020), Harmful Algae Blooms. In: Climate Science for the Classroom. M. Bertram & S. Biyani (Eds). https://uw.pressbooks.pub/climate/.
Baker, C.M. (2019), Three-Dimensional Nearshore Currents and Eddies on an Alongshore-Variable Barred Beach (Masters thesis), University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/45155.
Other Publications
Baker, C.M., Melissa, M., & Nuss, E.S. (2023), Experimental investigation of short-crested wave breaking in a laboratory directional wave basin. Designsafe-CI. https://doi.org/10.17603/ds2-qgd5-jk92.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Elgar, S., Raubenheimer, B., & Kumar, N. (2021), SWASH Model Files from “Modeled Three-Dimensional Currents and Eddies on an Alongshore-Variable Barred Beach. Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4141219.
Archived Software & Datasets
Invited Talks & Research Seminars
Invited Seminar: University of New Hampshire, Ocean Seminar. Surf-Zone Eddy Dynamics in Directional Wave Basin Experiments. Feb. 9, 2024.
Invited Seminar: Yale Atmosphere, Ocean, Climate Dynamics. Eddy Processes Driven by Breaking Waves in a Directional Wave Basin. Nov. 9, 2023.
Invited Seminar: University of Connecticut, Department of Marine Sciences. Breaking waves, surf-zone eddies, and rip currents: Insights from wave basin experiments. Oct. 20, 2023.
Invited Seminar: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering. Breaking waves, surf-zone eddies, and rip currents: Insights from wave basin experiments. Oct. 11, 2023.
Invited Seminar: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Institute of Marine Science. Wave Breaking, Eddies, and Transient Rip Current Dynamics: Insights from Large-Scale Laboratory Experiments. Sep. 14, 2023.
Invited Seminar: Coastal Imaging Research Network Seminar. Remote sensing applications in large-scale laboratory experiments: Eddy generation by individual breaking waves. Jun. 14, 2023. (Virtual)
Seminar: Woods Hole Institute of Oceanography, Coastal Ocean Fluid Dynamics Lab, Woods Hole, MA. 2D Turbulence in the surfzone: lab and field. May 19, 2023. (Presented with Elgar, S.)
Invited Seminar: Stanford University, Fluid Mechanics Seminar, Palo Alto, CA. Surfzone eddy generation and evolution in a directional wave basin. Mar. 14, 2023.
Seminar: Delft University of Technology, 87th Hydraulic Engineering Colloquium, Delft, Netherlands. Surfzone eddy formation and evolution in a directional wave basin. Jun. 7, 2022 (Virtual)
Seminar: Deltares, Coastal Hazards Group, Delft, Netherlands. Surfzone eddy formation and evolution in a directional wave basin. Jun. 7, 2022 (Virtual)
Seminar: Physical Oceanography Seminar, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Remotely sensed short-crested breaking waves and transient rip currents in a laboratory wave basin. Feb. 3, 2022 (Virtual)
Invited Seminar: Field Research Facility Seminar, U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center, Duck, NC. Short-crested wave breaking and transient rip currents in a laboratory wave basin. Dec. 8, 2021
Invited Seminar: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Coastal Ocean Modeling Seminars, Silver Spring, MD. Surfzone currents and eddies: Three-dimensional phase-resolved simulations. Sep. 7, 2021 (Virtual)
Seminar: Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. Remote sensing of rip currents and surface waves in a laboratory wave basin. Aug. 16, 2019.
Seminar: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Ocean Sciences Division, Stennis Space Center, MS. Remote sensing of rip currents and surface waves in a laboratory wave basin. Aug. 21, 2019.
Conference Oral Presentations
Nuss, E.S., Moulton, M., Suanda, S., Baker, C.M., Brodie, K., & Palmsten, M. (2023). How does surfzone eddy activity vary with wave conditions on a laboratory scale barred beach? Gordon Research Seminar/Conference: Coastal Ocean Dynamics, Jun. 18-23.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Chickadel, C.C., Nuss, E.S., Palmsten M., & Brodie K. (2023). Remote sensing applications in large-scale laboratory experiments: Eddy generation by individual breaking waves. Coastal Imaging Research Network Workshop, May 10-12.
Casper, A., Moulton, M., Dusek, G., Baker, C.M., & Nuss, E.S. (2023). Assessing NOAA hazardous rip-current predictions with lifeguard observations in the context of different rip-current types. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting, Jan. 8-12.
Nuss, E.S., Moulton, M., Suanda, A., Baker, C.M., Brodie, K., & Palmsten M. (2022). Breaking-wave crest lengths and associated vorticity input under varying directional spread. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Palmsten M., Brodie K., & Nuss, E.S. (2022). Deciphering determinants of breaking wave crest length in the surf zone by remotely sensing directional wave fields in the laboratory. Wind waves In the Earth System (WISE) Meeting, May 30 - Jun. 2.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Palmsten M., Brodie K., & Nuss, E.S. (2022). Vorticity injection at crest ends, eddy evolution, and transient rip current formation in a laboratory surf zone. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb. 28 - Mar. 4
Bruder, B., Spore, N., Brodie, K., & Baker, C.M., (2022). Measuring Alongshore Variations in Swash Flows Using Stereophotogrammetry. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb. 28 - Mar. 4.
Nuss, E.S., Moulton, M., Suanda, A., Baker, C.M., Brodie, K., & Palmsten M. (2021). Phase-Resolved Modeling and Laboratory Investigation of Surfzone Eddies and Transient Rip Currents. Young Coastal Scientist and Engineers Conference - America, Nov. 1-11.
Nuss, E.S., Moulton, M., Suanda, A., Baker, C.M., Palmsten M., & Brodie, K. (2021). Phase-Resolved Modeling and Laboratory Investigation of Surfzone Eddies and Transient Rip Currents. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conference, Nov. 1-11.
Baker, C.M., Nuss, E.S., Brodie K., Palmsten M., & Moulton, M. (2021). Short-Crested Wave Breaking, Eddies, and Transient Rip Currents in a Laboratory Wave Basin. Coastal Dynamics Conference, Delft, Netherlands, Jun. 28 - Jul. 2.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Palmsten M., Brodie K.& Kumar, N. (2020). Remote sensing of rip currents and surface waves in a laboratory wave basin. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, CA, Feb. 16 - 21, Abstract ID: CP42A-04.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Raubenheimer, B., Elgar, S., & Kumar, N. (2018), Three-dimensional modeling of transient rip currents: implications for cross-shore exchange. Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas, Merida, Yuc., Mexico, Nov. 9 - 11.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Palmsten M., & Kumar, N. (2018), Remote sensing of rip currents and surface waves in a laboratory wave basin. Coastal Image Research Network Workshop, St. Petersburg, FL, Jun. 4 - 8.
Conference Poster Presentations
Mieras, R., van Weichen, P., de Vries, S., Tissier, M., Rutten, J., Anarde, K., & Baker, C.M. (2024). Continuous measurements of dune scarp erosion during storm impact using a line-scanning, low-cost (LLC) LiDAR. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Feb. 18 - 23.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Chickadel, C.C., Nuss, E.S., Palmsten M., & Brodie K. (2023). Surfzone vorticity dynamics in a directional wave basin. Gordon Research Conference: Coastal Ocean Dynamics, Jun. 18 - 23.
Nuss, E.S., Moulton, M., Suanda, A., Kutz, N., & Baker, C.M. (2023). Using machine learning to predict wave-breaking induced eddy generation in the surf zone. American Meteorological Society (AMS) Meeting, Jan. 8 - 12.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Palmsten M., Brodie K., Nuss, E.S., & Chickadel, C.C. (2022). Surfzone Eddy Processes Consistent with an Inverse Energy Cascade: Laboratory Experiments in a Directional Wave Basin. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Dec. 12 - 16.
Nuss, E.S., Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., & Kumar, N. (2020). Phase-Resolved Modeling and Laboratory Investigation of Surfzone Eddies and Transient Rip Currents. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 7 - 11, Abstract ID: 739635.
Boysen, A., Baker, C.M., Bolden, I., McLachlan, R. (2019). A phenomenon based climate science curriculum for middle-school classrooms: Harmful Algal Blooms, Society, and Climate Change. Earth Educators' Rendezvous, Nashville, TN, Jul. 15 - 19.
Baker, C.M., Higgins, C., Liu, J., & Yeh, H. (2019). Predicting Tsunami Wave Impact Loads on Building Cladding. Structures Congress, Orlando, FL, OR, Apr. 24 - 27. Abstract ID: 505369-4.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., & Kumar, N. (2018), Rip-current driven cross-shore exchange: Observations and Model Simulations. Eastern Pacific Oceanography Conference, Mt. Hood, OR, Sep. 12 -15.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Elgar, S., Raubenheimer, B., & Kumar, N. (2018), Rip-current driven cross-shore exchange dynamics on a natural barred beach, CD14B-0042. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, Feb. 12 - 16. Abstract ID: EC24B-1103
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Raubenheimer, B., Elgar, S., & Kumar, N. (2018), Three-dimensional modeling of transient rip currents: implications for cross-shore exchange. Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas, Merida, Yuc., Mexico, Nov. 9 - 11.
Baker, C.M., Moulton, M., Palmsten M., & Kumar, N. (2018), Remote sensing of rip currents and surface waves in a laboratory wave basin. Coastal Image Research Network Workshop, St. Petersburg, FL, Jun. 4 - 8.